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£ 12.99

Introducing our student-centric calendar 'YourYear', specifically designed by students for students of all ages to enhance mental health and personal development. 

This calendar offers motivational quotes, goal setting, and progress monitoring. With interactive study logs and mental health check-ins, it is a comprehensive solution for academic success. Combined with exercise logs, these unique factors allow students to balance academics with physical and mental well-being.  

Empower yourself with a tool that goes beyond traditional planners to create a positive and organised student experience. 

We are YourYear, a group of students in Year 12 who aim to ameliorate the mental health and personal development amongst our peers worldwide. We have designed a calendar to help students organise their academic and non academic commitments to reach a balanced lifestyle. Our company values are: integrity, creativity, mental wellbeing, sustainability and have channeled these through our product.